Crisis Mode! We gotta make a plan! Which is why we are meeting.
We have settled on a final design: we’re going to go with square panels, with the 45 degree rotation. Except they won’t be flat- we are going to CNC a mold onto which we will vacuum-form plastic, creating an undulating surface. The plastic will be cut such that each square will bend on diagonal axis. Here are some pictures:
We think this is a more interesting surface as it lends a third dimension to our surface and will make for more interesting light effects. It also more closely mimics real leaves, which are never completely flat.
We have also settled on stepper motors (one per column of tiles) as the mechanical method of realizing this concept, and will be designing a means of attaching each motor to its respective column. We will work on interleaving, which will allow them to move more smoothly by creating substeps within each predetermined step (there will be 48 in each rotation for the ones we will use). This will address the jerky motion that people took offense at in our first crit of this project.
The top panel of each column will be firmly riveted to the motor (directly or indirectly), and each subsequent panel will be strung along a 3/8” ribbon, which will allow for a natural cascading effect that travels down (and to a lesser extent, back up) each column as it spins. We are still playing around with using one continuous ribbon per column as well as attaching each panel to the next with a short piece of ribbon, as well as surface treatments for the panels. Once we have panels formed and cut we will be able to experiment with those effects.
We have planned out production for this project for the next 2 weeks with objectives for each day. I’ll upload it once someone emails it to me.
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