All quiet on the SmartSurfaces front- we were unable to meet as a group this weekend- everyone was tasked with having one concrete direction they want the group to follow before our next meeting, but the architects have a big studio project due early next week, and the rest of us could certainly use some time to focus on other classes (we have other classes?). Hopefully not too much though- not only aren’t they as much fun, but we really need to settle on a direction for this project. We have a lot of ideas and potential forms for this project, but haven’t settled on one for sure. I think John’s description of it was especially apt, so I’ll try and reproduce it here for him and nobody else to read.
“It’s like you guys have all these renderings, and animations, and sketches, and everyone is like, ‘Yeah! You should do that!’”
Now we just gotta choose who to listen to.
Pat's rendering. Our final direction. |
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