Class number two.
We presented our progress so far, and we decided that we needed to refine our designs. After our critique, we broke for lunch and met Eugene Shteyn as a class. He gave us an informal autobiography and explained to us what exactly he does as an inventor/engineer/brainstorming consultant, and then we broke into our groups for a few idea-building activities, most notably reverse brainstorming.
This consisted of thinking of problems that need solving, instead of the normal practice of thinking of ideas to solve problems, which may sometimes be arbitrary. We were reminded to put ourselves in the mindset of stating problems as opposed to asking questions- this makes each problem a concrete obstacle impeding our progress, as opposed to some formless unresolved concern. While this was a helpful exercise and it allowed us to see our designs in a new, more analytical light, it left us feeling somewhat doubtful about the validity of our ideas. We knew for sure that we had a lot of work to do.
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